Oleh Korikov: IAEA will expand its presence in Ukraine - substations important for NPP safety will be monitored by permanent missions
Published 06 September 2024 19:28

The IAEA permanent monitoring missions will expand their functionality and cover electrical substations, which are important for the safe operation of nuclear power plants. Head of SNRIU - Chief State Inspector for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Ukraine Oleh Korikov announced this during a briefing at the Media Centre Ukraine.

"During the last visit of IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi to Ukraine, meetings and negotiations with the highest state leadership, it was agreed that the IAEA would expand its functionality and presence in Ukraine. Electric substations that are important for the safety of nuclear power plants, provide power output or, if necessary, ensure power consumption of nuclear power plants from the grid, will also come under international monitoring. This will definitely have a positive impact on nuclear and radiation safety in Ukraine", SNRIU Chairman said.

He added that joint work with colleagues from the IAEA on implementing these agreements is underway. Oleh Korikov clarified that the first visit of the IAEA permanent monitoring mission to one of the substations that suffered significant damage as a result of russian shelling will take place next week.

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