On November 8, 2010, the State Scientific Technical Centre on Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS), that is a technical support organisation of the State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine, was affiliated as an associate member with the European Technical Support Organisations Network (ETSON). The ceremony took place in The ceremony was forestalled with a presentation of the SSTC NRS at the meeting of the ETSON Founders Association in the frame of the EUROSAFE Forum 2009 and with a positive decision on the SSTC NRS’ membership in the ETSON, made by the 13th Meeting of the ETSON General Assembly in August 2010. ETSON partners are competent organisations in the field of nuclear safety assessment, activities of these organisations are aimed at ensuring high level of nuclear and radiation safety in European countries. ETSON was founded in 2006 by three technical support organisations - GRS (