Based on the results of the review on 20th November 2012 by the SNRIU Board of issue «Criteria and safety requirements for construction of new NPP power units in light of lessons learnt from Fukusima NPP accident» the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine submits for professional and public discussion:
- a document of Western European Nuclear Regulators Association (WENRA) «Design safety for new NPPs» (download here);
- proposals of the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS) concerning improvement of safety requirements for NPPs, as a first stage of public discussion of new regulatory documents on nuclear and radiation safety (download here).
Summary of expert discussions will be made on 25 December 2012 in the premises of the SSTC NRS: Kyiv,
Summary of public discussions will be made in a format of open meeting of SNRIU Public board on 10 January