Eurasian Forum of Green Energy and Clean Technologies - Prospects for the Implementation of SMRs in Ukraine
Published 09 July 2021 14:00

 On July 7-08, 2021, the Eurasian Forum on Green Energy and Clean Technologies was held. Representatives of government agencies, international organizations, public and professional associations of the Eurasian region and the United States discussed the prospects for the development of modern, environmentally friendly innovative energy technologies.

During the Forum, special attention was given to the development of technologies for nuclear power small modular reactors.

Hrihorii Plachkov, Chairman of the SNRIU - Chief State Inspector for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Ukraine, made a presentation on the prospects for assessing the design and pre-licensing process of small modular reactors in Ukraine.

Hrihorii Plachkov informed the Forum participants about the main steps taken by the SNRIU together with the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety to prepare Ukrainian legislation for possible licensing of SMRs technologies in Ukraine, cooperation with international partners for the study of the American experience in licensing SMRs and the introduction of a pre-licensing assessment approach.

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